His Yes Girls

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Archive for the tag “power”

Ephesians 5 Man

IMG_3790From the time we were little girls, most of us have dreamt of our wedding day. It all starts when we play with our Barbie and Ken dolls and continues on when we have our first crush. In a world where romance and weddings are amplified by Pinterest dream wedding boards and fairytale romance shows like The Bachelorette where men fight for a woman’s heart and woo her with extravagant vacations, gifts, and in the end a huge engagement ring. {Provided for free by a jeweler in exchange for some national advertising,} We girls sort of have a ‘fill-in-the-groom’ mentality of our wedding day. We think about how we will do our hair and what type of dress we will wear, we wonder what colors will be the ‘wedding colors’ and almost every detail in between. Ask most girls what they want in a husband and they will say “Tall, dark and handsome” or maybe “Blonde hair, blue eyes and washboard abs.” My question to you is how often when you ask a woman what she wants in a man does she start with aspects that are not purely physical?

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Daughters of a King


We are each unique individuals, an exceptionally diverse group of women with so many different variables and extremes. But the one thing that we all have in common is that we are loved beyond measure by our father, and our father is THE King. Therefore, we are royalty! So it is high time we put on our tiaras and start acting like the princesses that we are! We have got to start realizing our worth and value – and owning that worth and value!Daughter of a King Read more…


Promise: a declaration that one will or will not do something; a vow.

People now days seem to take promises so lightly. We make and break promises as if it is no big deal. Or we just ignore the true meaning of the promises that we do make.

One of the greatest promises you can make in life is promising yourself to your husband (or wife). In this excerpt from “Being a Godly Wife: it starts with you,”Kaitlyn gives a wonderful definition of what marriage is.

Marriage is the covenant which God created that transforms two separate people, two separate beings, two separate lives, into one. (Gen 2:24). When two people marry and literally become one, they are not supposed to be easily separated. In fact they are not supposed to be separated at all. Marriage is a covenant between you, your significant other, and God. Marriage is becoming one half of a whole in God’s eyes. Marriage is rejoicing with God and your husband in the happy times and choosing to stick with God’s word and your husband in the not-so-happy times. Marriage is a covenant (commitment) not a “just for now” situation.

This makes me think of the vows that my husband and I made to one another only a few months ago. Read more…

Feeding the Spirit – Hearing His Voice


hearing his voice

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We live in a world where we are constantly trying to cleanse ourselves of unhealthy things. We realize processed food is bad for us and then we stop eating it. We realize sugar is bad for us so we try to cut that out of our diet as well, and now there is tons of gluten free products that are all the rage. We try cleanses, fasts, exercise regimens, diets and supplements all in the name of detoxifying our bodies from things that aren’t meant to be in them. We focus on our body, and yes…our bodies are temples of God. but aren’t our bodies just the shells of our souls? We focus on making our exterior beautiful but it’s what is on the inside that really matters, what really counts for something.

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