His Yes Girls

Our Walk with God in Blog Form

Archive for the tag “his yes girl”

Ephesians 5 Man

IMG_3790From the time we were little girls, most of us have dreamt of our wedding day. It all starts when we play with our Barbie and Ken dolls and continues on when we have our first crush. In a world where romance and weddings are amplified by Pinterest dream wedding boards and fairytale romance shows like The Bachelorette where men fight for a woman’s heart and woo her with extravagant vacations, gifts, and in the end a huge engagement ring. {Provided for free by a jeweler in exchange for some national advertising,} We girls sort of have a ‘fill-in-the-groom’ mentality of our wedding day. We think about how we will do our hair and what type of dress we will wear, we wonder what colors will be the ‘wedding colors’ and almost every detail in between. Ask most girls what they want in a husband and they will say “Tall, dark and handsome” or maybe “Blonde hair, blue eyes and washboard abs.” My question to you is how often when you ask a woman what she wants in a man does she start with aspects that are not purely physical?

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Feeding the Spirit – Conditioning

Keeping up with your spiritual health is very similar to keeping up with your physical health. You’ve got to be dedicated and consistent. As long as you are maintaining those two things you can slip up a little and it usually won’t do much damage. We are not perfect, so small “cheats” and slip ups are to be expected. However, if we slack off too much there will be noticeable side effects.

1 Timothy 4:8
For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for present life and the life to come.

It is easy to get caught up in the routine activities of our daily lives. We have a tendency to get complacent in our faith. Life plateaus and we just let things drift off. There is nothing going on that is exceptionally good nor is anything bad happening. We forget to give God thanks, we forget to call out to Him, we forget to include Him in our mundane daily lives, and we forget to serve Him. Read more…


Promise: a declaration that one will or will not do something; a vow.

People now days seem to take promises so lightly. We make and break promises as if it is no big deal. Or we just ignore the true meaning of the promises that we do make.

One of the greatest promises you can make in life is promising yourself to your husband (or wife). In this excerpt from “Being a Godly Wife: it starts with you,”Kaitlyn gives a wonderful definition of what marriage is.

Marriage is the covenant which God created that transforms two separate people, two separate beings, two separate lives, into one. (Gen 2:24). When two people marry and literally become one, they are not supposed to be easily separated. In fact they are not supposed to be separated at all. Marriage is a covenant between you, your significant other, and God. Marriage is becoming one half of a whole in God’s eyes. Marriage is rejoicing with God and your husband in the happy times and choosing to stick with God’s word and your husband in the not-so-happy times. Marriage is a covenant (commitment) not a “just for now” situation.

This makes me think of the vows that my husband and I made to one another only a few months ago. Read more…

Change, Change, Rearrange

His Yes Girls Family,

Happy Thursday! It has been a little while since I have written to you all. In May I finished up the semester in Alpine and after finishing one summer class I will officially be a Sul Ross State University grad! I have recently moved back home and gotten a job, I will continue my education at the University of Texas at San Antonio in the Fall. Today I am headed to take the GMAT but felt compelled to write a few things before I take the test at 10:30 this morning.

Over this past month I have not been studying the Bible as heavily as I usually do and I have not been writing, it’s like each time I sat down to write the words just wouldn’t come to me like they always do. It was a bit frustrating at first but I did learn from this and learn to enjoy it. I didn’t enjoy it because I wanted to be lazy and not write, actually I tried not to let myself become complacent in not writing but I felt that God took me away from HYG for a little while. Writing is what I love to do and it brings me to my happy place. I can write letters to people and tug at their heartstrings or I can write something that will make them laugh out loud…this is just an awesome gift that God has chosen to bless me with, and I choose to embrace it. For a while this semester, my life was in turmoil because I wasn’t leaning on and trusting God with my whole heart. I think I trusted Him about 95% and I tried to trust Him 100% but it was hard. I didn’t know what I was going to do after college at Sul Ross and I didn’t know where I would land next. It was not until I took a step back from it all, including HYG, that I could hear and feel promptings about which way to walk and when  to turn right or left. It was not until I took a step away that my faith grew that other 5%.

When God moves us into different seasons of life, things change. I once heard T.D. Jakes say that we are like little baby birds who don’t know that we can fly yet. God may tell us to fly but we think, “I can’t do that, are you crazy?” So God makes that nest so terribly uncomfortable that we have to get out–either by flying off on our own or having God push us out of the nest. God pushed me out of the nest and my life has transformed and moved into a new season, a season that I cannot yet define. But, this is a good thing so don’t worry.

Austi and I built HYG on our beliefs and with the understanding that we would be completely and utterly transparent with y’all in all parts of our lives. We weren’t too busy with life being Martha’s (Luke 10:38-42) that we couldn’t blog, we were just renewing, refreshing, and being moved into new seasons in both of our lives. This is something that does deserve an explanation to all of you who take time out of your lives to read what we write.

We love y’all dearly and can’t wait for you to see the changes currently taking places in our lives and some exciting projects for HYG coming down the pipeline.

Be Blessed and Favored, Today and Always
Fulfilling His Purpose | Philippians 2:13 | His Yes Girl, Kait

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Feeding the Spirit – Living in Prayer


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